1. Using ENVI, mosaic Pass1, 3, 5, and 7 = Pass1357_mosaic 2. Begin collecting ground control points in ERDAS Imagine using Claryville and Peekamoose 1m DOQs as reference images. Ground control point files = Pass1357_mosaic_input.gcc and Pass1357_mosaic_Peekamoose_Claryville_ref.gcc. 3. Using Pass1357_mosaic_input.gcc and Pass1357_mosaic_Peekamoose_Claryville_ref.gcc in a second order polynomial resulted in an overall RMS error of approximately 5m. Saved the geometric correction/warp model as Pass1357_mosaic_warp_poly2.gms. 4. Warped Pass1357_mosaic in Imagine with Pass1357_mosaic_warp_poly2.gms and converted from Imagine .img file to generic binary BIL. 5. gzipped the bil (gzip Pass1357_mosaic_warp_bil) = LargePass1357_mosaic_warp_bil.gz and put the gzipped filed and associated .hdr file on ftp://ftp.forest.sr.unh.edu/pub/HAI. 6. Ran checksum on compressed and uncompressed image (syntax = md5sum filename): 38987c29f955a80b314cf9e7ecdad709 LargePass1357_mosaic_warp_bil 5260d419c4c3e47fadff8a9975f7f180 LargePass1357_mosaic_warp_bil.gz File sizes are as follows (kbytes): 5811005200 Jan 3 16:01 LargePass1357_mosaic_warp_bil 2626834196 Jan 4 13:44 LargePass1357_mosaic_warp_bil.gz 3296 Jan 3 16:48 LargePass1357_mosaic_warp_bil.hdr