This is a resource page for student handout activities via the Advanced Activities button. This file is called activities.html and is in the Graphics folder.
Scenarios and Activities

Worksheet A - Basic Exploration with the model
With these runs, you will look at the output graphs and tables and read off values for different variables. Based on your understanding of the input and output flows (temperature, precipitation, and turnover rate of the litter) and the stock (biomass), you will answer questions about the values for the biomass, the litter, and the NPP. The most important concept of this worksheet is to find equilibrium for a biome of this model and discover what that means with regard to carbon uptake.

After you have done Worksheet A, you will look at three different biomes and make changes to the input temperature or precipitation that are different from the current average data for that biome. This is worksheets 1, 2, and 3.

Finally, in worksheet 4, you will be able to try some climate change scenarios. You will use the TempIncr and DeltaPrecip dials.